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About Kenya Coffee

Kenyan coffee is predominantly of the Arabica species. It is processed through the wet processing method to produce what is commonly referred to as washed coffee. We are able to supply you with specialty coffee either from cooperative societies or the exceptional micro-lots from our farms that lie within the red volcanic soil of Mount Kenya.

The coffee from this region has bold body, unique berry notes, fruity notes, tantalizing acidity and a clean crispy finish in the mouth. All this being characteristics of Kenya coffee. This is attributable to geographical advantages such as great soil depth of the plant and unique fertility on the broad, gently sloping ridges that are not too steep ensuring good drainage. Rainfall is also well distributed throughout the year and varies between 40 and 50 mm per annum. For our farms we have planted bourbon varieties SL 34, SL28, and newly introduced Batian and RUIRU II.

Upon maturity, the cherry ripens and turns red and it is at this point it is hand picked and delivered to the pulping station, where water is used for processing. This is known as the wet processing method. Kenyan coffee is graded mechanically on a bean size/density basis after milling; further optical sorting is carried out to ensure that the results are consistent. This mechanism results with the following grades in hierarchal order;

  • Kenya AA as the finest grade.
  • Kenya AB
  • Kenya PB (Pea Berry)
  • Kenya C

As part of the promise of our quality, we painstakingly roast and cup, a broad spectrum of brilliantly complex coffees, within our laboratory to ensure that the client’s needs and requirements are fulfilled.

At Rockbern we know that even the best coffees can lose their quality if neglected during the various stages of processing. This is the reason we have created a magical walled coffee garden where cultivation, harvesting, processing, milling and grading are closely integrated to ensure quality control and guarantee high quality beans are exported to our clients.

Quality & Logistics

From Quality to Logistics there are so many COGS that keep the Rockbern engine revving helping us deliver the WOW effect to all our coveted customers.

First, We have very exacting quality standards that guide our quality team on each and every lot of green coffee shipped.

We have put in place a state of the art cupping lab with appropriate lighting, water quality, proper ventilation and state of the art equipment. Further, we have invested in our quality team qualifications to include Q grading, Roasting, Q-processing and Sensory skills. Hence, our mantra #weknowcoffee while appreciating coffee as a complex subject that demands a constant thirst for knowledge and everyday we are seeking to learn more.

Our assurance; We deliver what we promise. We follow painstaking procedures that ensure the approved offer sample and PSS are all in sync with the actual shipment with no room for error. We are constantly checking and monitoring;

  • Moisture content
  • Screen size
  • Defect Count
  • Appearance
  • Overall Cup

The green coffee category offered include;

  • Single origin Microlots
  • Specialty TOP
  • FAQ+ (plus)
  • FAQ
  • Clean Commercial grades
  • Commercial grades
  • Certified Coffee; We are conscientious exporters too, if you are looking for Rainforest Certified coffee we are able to offer all the green coffee categories as RFA certified.

Food safety; We are a FSSC22000 certified company hence, we don’t take the safety of our clients lightly. Right from our warehouse to the third party service providers, food safety remains paramount.

Shipping Options; Our logistics team is able to ship your green coffee order in either Grainpro hermetic bags, or in Vacuum cakes packed in 20kg cartons or in 30kg bags. We do also ship on refrigerated REEFERS when needed.

Ethical sourcing, we are constantly seeking to explore new ideas that include new coffee processing methods and pricing structure and hence, we relish being at the tip of the spear, driven by a pioneering spirit that seeks to establish how much room there is out there for respectful, disruptive and thoughtful models that can benefit the Kenyan farmers.