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One of the most important promises we have made to ourselves and to our community is to be sensitive towards pollution and to make commitments towards daily actions that reduce our carbon prints on this earth no matter how mundane or how profound they might need to be.

For example we have recently changed all our packaging materials. It’s 100% recyclable. We are actively setting up a washing station that will be equipped with Eco pulper that will cut the water used during the process by 70%. We have also developed an agronomy blueprint for use by all our farmers group, the cornerstone of this blueprint is shade coffee farming and this will have a huge impact on afforestation. In a nutshell we are walking the talk through small bits of specific, measurable and achievable goals in our quest.

Through the years we have been roasting and sourcing green coffee while at the same time farming in Kirinyaga, we have been truly privileged to play a role at both ends of the spectrum. This has given us a chance to experience the problems faced by farmers first hand. These include and not limited to climate change, diseases and pests that ruin their hard work, rising cost of inputs that make them unaffordable, disinterest on coffee farming from a whole generation and low prices leading to lower margins that threaten their livelihoods. Whereas, the other side of the spectrum as coffee roasters and exporters has granted us rare and piercing insights about an enlightened coffee community that is seeking authentic artisanal coffee i.e. high quality coffee that’s 100% traceable and grown and processed in a sustainable manner. This has elevated our conscience to rarified heights to a point where we feel inaction is not an option at this time. We have adopted a revolutionary approach and we are fully cognizant of the fact that, we may not be able to do everything on our own, but it’s fulfilling being the spark that ignites the flame and offers the much needed catalyst for change that we never thought was possible and prevent the ‘firsts’ being the ‘onlys’.

We have developed direct partnerships with farmers who produce amazing coffee of high quality and connect them directly to conscientious buyers across the world. Our model guarantees a price of not less than Ksh 100/kg of cherry that is paid by mid March of each year. This initiative has not only enabled the farmers to plan around their finances but for the first time they have looked at coffee farming as an enterprise and its been a source of motivation. This model is also attracting young people back to coffee farming and fixing the generational disinterest that is threatening the future of Kenyan coffee.

We have also spearheaded the use of sustainability certifications, Rockbern is Fairtrade (FLO) certified and Rainforest Certified. This imposes an ethical obligation to source, buy and roast sustainably and certified amazing coffees.

Third, we have developed a comprehensive vision and clear road map towards Net zero. We are looking forward to harnessing green energy by installing solar roofs and light tunnels in our new facility.

Our long term sustainability goal is underpinned on the following pillars.

  • The Environment: we have adopted a conscious approach in everything we do to place our environment at the core. This range from packaging materials that we have changed to 100% recyclable to electric bikes used by our delivery team and looking forward to introducing electric vans in our fleet in phases.
  • Transparent and sustainable sourcing of coffee
  • Our community: we are actively giving back to the community through initiatives such as coffee and books.
  • Our People: we have made deliberate commitment to create a magical walled coffee garden where all Rockies feel at home, we are actively investing in our people through training.